What can you do when you family member/friend/acquantance got arrested?

Several NGOs, united in the Transit group, visit on a regular basis the 5 closed centers in Belgium (Transit center Caricole, Repatriation center 127bis, Center for illegal persons Merksplas, Center for illegal persons Bruges, Center for illegal persons Vottem) and the return houses (in Sint-Gillis-Waas, Tielt/Zulte, Tubize and Beauvechin).

Do you know someone who is arrested and detained in one of the five detention centers? Do you know a family that was taken from their home and transferred to a return house? Inform the Transit group at the following adress: detentie@vluchtelingenwerk.be or at the central number of Flemish Refugee Action (Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen): 02/225.44.00.

The Transit group will then inform the NGO visitors so they can meet the persons during their next visit.

To be able to do this, the following data are required:

  • Name of the detained person
  • Name of the detention center or return house
  • Badge number of the person (everyone receives a dedicated number upon entry to the detention center)
  • Any additional information regarding the situation of the detained person

For more information regarding the Transit group, see:  www.vluchtelingenwerk.be/nieuws/de-transitgroep (in Dutch).

If you want to keep informed about the campaign of the Platform Minors in exile (Plate-forme Mineurs en exil / Platform Kinderen op de vlucht en UNICEF Belgium: click here.

A campaign by

Mineurs en exil

In collaboration with

Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen